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Fire Hill (2022)

11min   |   English   |  Dir. Nolen Sternkopf

Fire Hill | Short Film (Horror Comedy)
Play Video


A man in search of the world's tastiest buffalo wings accidentally stumbles upon a mystical cemetery that could change his fate forever.

An SFSU Filmmaking Master Class Thesis Film

Copyright Nolen Sternkopf 2022




Ramsey - Drew Crosby


The Pale Woman, The Creature and the Death Goddess (voice) - Skylar Smith

The Waitress - Julie Nipp

Director - Nolen Sternkopf

Writer - Nolen Sternkopf

Director of Photography - Benjamin Rome

Producer - Nolen Sternkopf

Composers - Paper Frog

Assistant Director - Nathan Stafford

Location Sound - Draven Ford


Editor - Nolen Sternkopf


Poster Art - Skylar Smith

Executive Producers - Drew Crosby, Nessie Carmilla Stafford, Nolen Sternkopf

VideoFest is the Future

August 18, 2022

Portland, Oregon

Official Selection


Oregon Screams Horror Short Film Festival

August 21, 2022

Portland, Oregon

Winner: Best Acting Performance

San Francisco Short Film Festival presented by SF Indie Fest

October 6, 2022


Official Selection

Another Hole in the Head Film Festival

December 10, 2022

San Francisco, California

Official Selection

Fire Hill Poster - laurels.jpg
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