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About Drew Crosby

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Writer | Director | Editor | Actor | Producer


Drew Crosby (he/him) is a young filmmaker currently residing in the pacific northwest suburb of Sherwood, OR. In 2021 Drew graduated from Clackamas Community College with an Associate of Applied Science degree and film production technician certification. At the end of Spring 2023 he will be graduating from Portland State University with a Bachelors of Science in film as well.


Drew got to know his Ghoul Capone co-founders Nolen Sternkopf and Nessie Carmilla Stafford in high school where their first effort filmmaking as a trio was a driver’s ed class project. Through their time at school together these three teamed up to produce such micro-budget short films as Night Lights, Officers of the Deceased, Hair-Girl, and Poop! In The Toaster but they were just getting started. Now entering the world of adulthood, Drew is looking forward to continue working with his best friends to bring their most ambitious stories yet to life.


Drew is the creative force who directed, wrote, edited, and produced Ghoul Capone Pictures' first short Rocky is Dead which went on to feature as an official selection in two short film festivals. A number of films Drew has featured in as an actor include Harper's World, Bad Robber, and Ghoul Capone's very own Fire Hill for which his work won the Best Acting Performance award at the Summer 2022 Oregon Screams Horror Film Festival. In addition to all this, Drew also has passions for character design, animation, and live theater.

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